sweater: forever 21 (similar style) denim jacket: vintage levis jeans: Levis curve ID (compliments of levis and lookbook.nu) shoes: laurens closet sunglasses: vintage
Photos of me by Lauren. All rest by me.
Heres a video for you all to enjoy! Lauren shot all the video of me and I did all the rest. and those feet are Laurens. She has cute little baby feet. I decided not to show mine too closely haha
This is the backyard of the house that I’m staying at in Michigan. The sunsets are gorgeous at night.
Updates: I’ve been starting my day at 530am every morning and going home from work around 730pm. My family is coming to visit on the 6th and Peters coming along!! I’m so excited. I miss my daughter so much. Work is good and the movie is really looking great!! I can’t wait to show you guys photos!!
love you all.